Rental Information- Cafeteria and Guild Room

July 16, 2024

Well it's official (for real this time)! 

On June 11th Pastor Bartels will be retiring from Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School after almost 37 years!

How truly blessed we have been to have this Good Shepherd, man of God, Pastor and friend for over half of Holy Cross' existence. While we are sad that Pastor is retiring we are excited to see how he plans on serving The Lord next, as we know God will continue to use him for His kingdom work.

If you are currently a member, a past member or friend of Holy Cross we invite you to join us as we thank Pastor Bartels for all he has done for our church, school, the community and for each of us on a personal level.

We are also asking for your help in collecting photos of Pastor throughout the years and  20sec videos to show your love and appreciation to Pastor for all he's done. Please send in all submissions or questions to by 5pm on May 15th !

Pastor Bartels Final Worship Service will be at 10:30 am, Luncheon to follow service.

RSVP for June 11th here: