
Find your place to love
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25


Debbie Sanchez

Altar Guild | Saturdays & Sundays
Contact: Julee Nairn

The altar guild is a dedicated ministry responsible for preparing and maintaining the altar and its elements for worship services. Duties include setting up for communion, caring for linens and vestments, arranging flowers, and maintaining liturgical supplies. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve the church and support our worship.

Chance Perard

Usher | Sunday Mornings
Contact: Audrey Cox

Ushers are vital to creating a welcoming and orderly worship experience. They greet and assist congregants, distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and guide people during communion and other parts of the service. Serving as an usher is a great way to contribute to the church community and help ensure services run smoothly.

Natalia Escobar

Lector | Sunday Mornings
Contact: Hillary Hixon

Lectors play a key role in worship by reading scripture passages during services. They prepare and deliver readings clearly and reverently, enhancing the congregation's understanding and experience of the Word. Serving as a lector is a meaningful way to contribute to the spiritual life of the church.

Stefanie Ludington

Praise Team | Sunday Mornings
Contact: Stefanie Ludington

The praise team leads the congregation in worship through music, singing contemporary and traditional songs. They rehearse regularly to prepare for services, ensuring a joyful and uplifting worship experience. Joining the praise team is a wonderful way to share your musical talents and enrich our church's worship.
Notice: We are currently seeking an organist for Sunday worship services. If interested, please contact the church office or Stefanie Ludington.